Homework Policy and Special Projects!

Dear Families,


         Your child’s homework will consist of reading, language arts, math, and occasional special projects. 

         Every Monday (Tuesday if there is a holiday) students will receive a reading log that should be filled out daily and returned on Friday. Your child is to read independently, to someone else, or be read to for twenty minutes each night.  Make sure to log the book that was read, what type of reading your child did, and sign the bottom of the reading log.

         Additional homework will be assigned two nights per week on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Homework assigned on Tuesdays and Thursdays may consist of math and language arts.  Students will bring their homework home in their HOME TO SCHOOL folder and will be expected to bring it back the next day.  A large part of the math homework assignments will be math games that help to reinforce the concepts learned and practiced in class.  Please feel free to use any math manipulatives necessary to complete the assignments.  You will need to have the following items available so that you and your child can play the math games:  dice (2), game pieces, counters (such as poker chips, buttons, or coins), and paperclips.  During the year I will be sending home game cards, game directions and game boards to be kept at home and used repeatedly.  Please find a special place to keep these items so that they can be used for homework.

       Expectations of homework are name and number written on each paper, work done in pencil unless specified in the directions, reading log to be completed by an adult with a parent signature, and assignments passed in on time.

         Homework is an important part of learning.  It needs to be completed as well as turned in on the due date.  Please assist your child in his/her efforts to develop good study habits.  Thank you for your participation in this important extension to the classroom.


Happy learning!

Miss S


Dear Families,


          In Writing Workshop we will be learning how to write “Small Moments”.  Small moments are stories about our lives and experiences.  When writing a small moment, the writer zooms in on the important details that they want to share.         

          To help students brainstorm ideas of life experiences to write about, their homework for the next week is to create a Photo Collage.  This collage should include pictures from your child’s life that will help spark ideas to write about.  Try to include a variety of pictures so that all areas of life are included (for example: special events, sports, family, friends, school, traditions, etc).  We are going to place each collage in a page protector and will keep them in each child’s writing folder.  Please make sure the collage is no larger than 8x11 paper (computer paper), that pictures are glued down, and that pictures are not hanging over the side.  Please decorate just one side of the paper.

          This project is our only homework assignment (other than reading logs) for the next week.  Collages are due on Monday, October 28th .  Students can bring their collages in as soon as they have finished them.

          Thank you and I look forward to seeing all of your “Small Moment” writing ideas!



Miss S